Best Road Trip Songs For Your Next Van Life Adventure
It’s the age old dilemma; you’ve turned on the ignition of your camper van and are just about to pull onto the road, when you realise that you don’t know what song to listen to to start off your journey. It’s a tough call; one wrong song and your journey is toast. Don’t worry though, because Van Clan are here to help you pick the best road trip songs for your epic adventures. We’ve picked 25 of our favourite songs to help you build your own amazing playlist.
Crank up the volume!
Van Clan’s Best Road Trip Songs
1. Life In The Fast Lane – The Eagles
Ok, so if you’re in an old VW bus then Life in the fast lane might not be how you spend the majority of your journey, but this classic by the Eagles is sure to get you in the mood for some long motorway driving. Turn up a classic, and put that pedal to the metal.
2. Come Alive – Chromeoย
It wouldn’t be a Van Clan road trip without putting on one of our favourite road trip songs, ‘Come Alive’ by Chromeo. Electric Guitars, Synthesisers, andย the catchiest lyrics thatย you’ll ever hear. If you travelling with someone who just can’t come alive,ย this tune will definitely sort them out.
3. Ramble On – Led Zeppelin
If you’re planning a bit of rambling in the wilderness then Led Zep’s ‘Ramble On’ should get you in the spirit. You might be travelling round the world to find your girl or just nipping to the Lake District, either way this classic foot stomper will get you in the mood for the open road.
4. Train wreck 1979 – Death From Above
Any song that starts with ‘I was born on a highway’ is gold in our book, in fact it’s the recipe for all of the best road trip songs. This awesome tune from
Death From Above 1979 is one that you’ll need to wind your window down for. After all, it’s rude not to sure great tunes with other travellers, right?
5. Give Life Back To Music – Daft Punk
Nothing says Summer Road Trip like a bit of Daft Punk. It’s hard to pick just one song from Random Access Memories (Get Luckyย was a close favourite), but this tune makes us think of Summer BBQ’s andย that infectious festival feeling. Don’t be afraid to turn up the volume, and we won’t say anything if you skip the playlist and listen to the rest of the album too.
6. Go Your Own Way – Fleetwood Mac
“You can go your own way”. It’s a good bit of advice if you’re heading out on an unplanned road trip, and it also happens to be one of the best road trip songs ever written. I think we’re going to ask Lindsey and Stevieย if it’s on their playlists too.
7. I Get Around – The Beach Boys
If you’re getting bugged driving up and down the same old strip then maybe you need to crank up the Beach Boys. There’s nothing like a bit of Brian and the gang to get you in the mood for some old school hippie road trippin’.
8. Walking On Sunshine – Walkin’ On Sunshine
Call it a guilty pleasure or call it a classic. Call it what you want, ‘Walking On Sunshine’ is one of those road trip songs that gets everyone clapping and singing along, and we know that you can’t deny it.
Katrina and the Waves come in at number 6 on our list; don’t it feel good?.
9. Black Betty – Ram Jam
One of the most recognisable riffs ever, Ram Jam’s ‘Black Betty’ is always coming on when we hit the shuffle button. If you’re heading down the highway then this is the perfect track to turn up to 11.
10. Figure It Out – Royal Blood
If dirty rock is your bag then Royal Blood’s ‘Figure It Out’ is definitely for you. This is usually one that makes Rose grab her shades and start a mosh pit whilst I’m driving. You’ll need some big speakers for this one, so if you’re still in your build stage then use the rest of your weight allowance on some subwoofers (you won’t regret it!)
11. Death Cab For Cutie – Ghost’s Of Beverley Drive
Death Cab are one of our all time favourite bands, and their new album has not disappointed us. Their iconic mix of melodic vocals and catchy guitar riffs never fails to get us psyched for a journey into the unknown.
Don’t believe us, click play and see for yourself!
12. Ghost – Mystery Skulls
If you’ve not head of Mystery Skulls before then we won’t judge you (but seriously where have you been!) This is another one of our favourite road trip tunes from The Mystery Skulls of Dallas, TX. We listened to this one loads whilst converting our own van, and now it’s definitely one of our go to road trip songs.
13. Shut Up And Drive – Rihanna
No, this isn’t what Brandon says to us when we’re all heading out on a Van Clan road trip, its Rihanna’s classic car anthem ‘Shut Up And Drive’. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a hardcore AD/DC fan or if you know all of the words to Frozen, this track is bound to get everyone in the holiday spirit.
14. Highway To Hell – AC/DC
Speaking of AC/DC, we can’t have a road trip playlist without ‘Highway To Hell’. Living easy, living free, season ticket on a one-way ride – the simple instructions on how to live the off-grid lifestyle around the world. Let Bon, Angus and the band take you on a Highway To Hell, just make sure you turn off somewhere before Hades’ place.
15. Don’t Stop Believing – Journey
Whether you’re on a ‘journey’ or just driving to catch a ‘midnight train’ (ok, we’ll stop now), ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ is one of those songs that gets you fist bumping all the way to the campsite. Whether you grew up with the original or fell in love with it through watching Glee, Journey’s classic really lifts your spirits and gets you ready
for the camp fire.
16. Born To Be Wild – Steppenwolf
“Get your motor running’, head out on the highway.ย Lookin’ for adventure, and whatever comes our way.” If theseย are word’s that you’d like to live your life by then you need a bit of Steppenwolf in your world. ‘Born To Be Wild’ is the anthem of Vanlifers and Wild Campers everywhere, so if you’re looking to inject a bit of adventure into your life then crank this tune up and get a little wild!
17. Rather Be (feat. Jess Glynne) – Clean Bandit
Now this one is a guilty pleasure, and one that Rose knows all of the words to. Air Violin is totally underrated, that’s a fact. What better view to see in your rear view mirror than all of your party thrashing away as though they were in the Royal Albert Hall. We don’t need to convince you on this one, check out Clean Bandit and get your
classical rock horns out.
18. Monkey Wrench – Foo Fighters
Another one of our favourite bands of all time, Foo Fighters never fail to get us pumped for a long haul journey. Monkey Wrench will definitely keep you alert when the sun goes down, especially when Dave Growl starts screaming out of your speakers!
19. The Boys Are Back In Town – Thin Lizzy
Guess who just got back today? No not Brandon, he’s sunning it up somewhere on the Van Clan private yacht. It’s Thin Lizzy, and this is probably one of the mostย recognisable road trip songsย ever. Whether you’re cruising down the motorway or stopping for a bite at Dino’s bar and grill, ‘The Boys Are Back In Town’ will help those miles fly by.
20. Wolves Of Winter – Biffy Clyro
If you like a bit of Scottish rock to get you through your journey then look no further than Biffy Clyro. The lead track on their new album will blow those cobwebs from your boring journey and kick it up to mach 5.
21. Ride – The Vines
If you’re heading on a Ride then The Vines should be your new best friends. It’s not the worlds longest song, which means that you can stick it on repeat a few times and still not get bored of it. If you don’t know The Vines then let me introduce you, and I’m sure this will be the start of a long and prosperous relationship.
22. Sweet Home Alabama – Lynyrd Skynyrd
Getting you in the mood for that adventure paradise where the skies are so blue, Lynyrd Skynyrd’s summertime classic ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ is the perfect soundtrack for cruising down those dusty American roads (or the A1 if you’re unlucky enough to live in the UK). Turn it up!
23. Jimmy Eat World – Electable (Give It Up)
Seb has a few Jimmy Eat World inspired tattoo’s, so it was pretty obvious thatย they were going to feature in this list at some point. This is another one of our favourite tunes, and the steering wheel and dashboard often turn into a drum kit throughout.
Great tune, great album, great band!
24. One Way Or Another – Blondie
Back to the 80’s classics, and it’s no secret that everyone loves a bit of Blondie. ‘One Way Or Another’ is one of those tunes that no one in the family can ignore – before long you’ll all be singing along and using a hairbrush or some de-icer as a microphone.
25. Africa – Toto
No playlist of road trip songs in the world is complete until you stick ‘Africa’ by Toto in it. Why, I hear you ask. There doesn’t need to be a why when Toto are involved.
Just play it, you’ll understand.
Thanks for Checking out our top 25 road trip songs! We hope you liked them and discoveredย a few new artists along the way.
Join the Van Clan on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and let us know
your favourites too!
Written by Seb @vincentvanlife

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