Helio Portable Pressure Shower
Keeping clean on the road can be a nightmare, showers are an irregular occurrence and not many vans have the room for an internal shower.
The Helio Pressure Shower allows you to take a warm shower with you wherever you may venture to. It’s basically a large bag that you fill with water and you use the foot pump to create pressure inside, allowing you to use the hose and squirt out water at a respectable force.
It has a sturdy handle on top which allows for easy transport and a place for you to hang it up to create the shower itself, it’s made out of a dark grey plastic material which allows itself to warm up in the sun create a warm and comfortable shower.
This top notch accessory can hold up to 11 litres of water, allowing a smooth stream of water for up to 5 minutes. Not only can you use this as a shower you can use it to clean your cutlery, clean your pets and sand of your feet.
This is a great accessory for any traveller out there that likes to go to the beach or keep it in the van for those days when a shower is a little hard to come by.

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